Aquitas Solutions

IMC 2023 Platinum Sponsor | Booth #304

About Aquitas Solutions

Aquitas Solutions is a leading provider of Enterprise Asset Management (EAM) and Internet of Things (IoT) solutions that optimize asset-intensive industries. Our company prides itself on working strategically and collaboratively with the top globally recognized EAM and IoT platform solution providers to heighten business value and bring bottom-line benefits to their clients.

  • Gold level IBM Business Partner
  • 250+ clients across all industries
  • Consultants average 14-years of experience
  • Authorized Maximo and ThingWorx reseller
  • Service Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business

Drop by our booth to explore these topics and witness live demonstrations!

Aquitas Solutions Sponsored Experience Labs

AR in Action: Bridge the skills gap within your workforce

with Wayne Edwards | PTC

December 5th in Seagrape 2 at 1:00 – 1:45 PM

Your new technicians can learn to use Maximo, but how are they learning to fix the equipment that it monitors? Are you seeking to preserve the tribal knowledge that departs with retiring technicians? Documenting or updating work procedures can be overwhelming — experience how augmented reality (AR) simplifies this process. You’ll learn the value of building a “digital mentor” for new hires and understand how easy it is for a technician to use by working through a pre-built training “scavenger hunt”.

Build it yourself: Power BI report for CMMS

with Nikolaus Despain | Aquitas Solutions 

December 5th in Seagrape 2 at 2:00 – 2:45 PM

Many companies have multiple data sources – Is it possible to integrate data sets to create a dashboard that is unique and right for your business? Can these dashboards provide data AND drill-down capabilities? Are you trying to get more than Maximo’s standard BIRT or StartCenter can provide? Bring your own data, or utilize a sample set, and learn how to create a simple business intelligence report to take back to your team. The goal of this session is for each attendee to leave with the ability to develop a BI report specifically developed for your Maximo implementation.

Maximizing Maximo: Increase efficiency with clean data

with Gina Leonard | Aquitas Solutions

December 5th in Seagrape 2 at 3:15 – 4:00 PM

Everyone can agree that data from Maximo, especially inventory data, can quickly get out of hand. Inaccurate data leads to poor supply chain and purchasing practices, causing excess inventory and an inability to accurately analyze the state of your operations. This hands-on session will take you through common causes of poor data quality and discuss innovative ways or practices to clean your Maximo closets!

Navigating your path to MAS

with Darren Kwasnycia | Aquitas Solutions

December 6th Seagrape 2 at 11:00 – 11:45 AM

Upgrading to Maximo Application Suite can leave you with many questions. Throughout this interactive session, you’ll gain insights into timelines and essential details for a smooth MAS adoption and discover streamlined approaches to simplify the transition for your team.

Additional Sessions

Work Execution Management/Maintenance Engineering Forum

How Summit Midstream Partners Implemented Applications to Improve Incident Reporting & Management of Documentation. Stop by for more information!

with Lindsay Janek from Summit Midstream & Ray Miciek from Aquitas Solutions

December 5th in Calusa 3 at 2:00 – 4:00 PM

Enable Efficient Maintenance Operations with Augmented Reality

Improving organizational efficiency is a common objective for all businesses. A proficient and dependable maintenance team plays a pivotal role in the progress made toward this goal.

Learn how augmented reality can simplify your training processes with effective and user-friendly equipment.

with Wayne Edwards from PTC

December 6th at the Demo Theatre at 9:30 – 9:45 AM

We are eager to meet you!

Connecting with fellow professionals at conferences, especially at IMC is always a pleasure. If you’re new to Aquitas Solutions, we’re here to provide any assistance and introduce you to how we can help guide you through successful solutions for your organization.

At Aquitas, we provide solutions across a wide array of industries, including but not limited to:
Manufacturing, Oil & Gas, Utilities, Transportation, Public Sector, Life Sciences & Healthcare, Facilities, Consumer Packaged Goods & Data Centers.

We’re here to support you on your journey toward achieving your organizational goals.

Get in touch with us